Recently, police have resumed the search for a missing little boy that was first disappeared over 30 years ago. The boy's name is Etan Patz, and he disappeared in 1979, which was 33 years ago, where he would now be 39 years old. They went to a search site in Prince street in Manhattan,New York. The search began near the bus stop where he was last seen in 1979. The police investigators decided to dig under the basement where a former mental patient, Jose A.Ramos lived. They searched his place because in the past he was accused of molesting a boy. After they had that covered they went to another part of the basement which was used as a workshop by a carpenter and a handyman that had lived in Ethan's building. The police had thought that the handyman had killed the boy, and then buried the body in the basement. The policemen got in contact with the handyman and was interviewed until they realized that the body may have been moved. They had no luck until they brought in a dog that sniffed out the possibility of remains. The body is still yet to be found. This is the result of a holiday called, "missing children's day" that was declared on May 25, 1986.
I think that this is ridiculous, because the child disappeared over 30 years ago, and they resume it now. They should have finished the case so many years ago, and they would have closed the case much faster. Even if they ever find something, how would we know that that is really him? We might not even identify him. We also don't know for sure that he would be in the basement, he could have been moved to another part of the city, state, or even country. I don;t think that they will find Ethan Patz because it is a small chance that he is still there. I think they should go back to the more recent news.
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